Dealing with Comparison and Self-Doubt as a Content Creator
If you’re a new content creator, you will get to a point where you cannot stop comparing yourself to other people. Social comparison has existed as long as humans have. It gives us a way to gauge how we’re doing relative to other people and make sense of our own (and others’) abilities, social standing, and performance. In this article, we will share some ways on how you can handle comparison and self-doubt as a content creator.

What is Comparison?

If you have ever found yourself scrolling through social media and comparing yourself to the friends, acquaintances, and influencers you see in your feed, you may already have some idea of how comparison can affect us—it could evoke feelings of motivation and inspiration, or envy and inadequacy. The inclination to compare ourselves with others is rooted in a basic human desire for self-evaluation. By understanding where we stand in relation to others, we can navigate social environments more effectively and make adjustments to our behavior and beliefs. Comparisons can serve multiple purposes: they can motivate us, help us set goals, and provide comfort through the validation of shared experiences.
Ways on How To Deal Comparing Yourself
1. Study their work instead of being jealous
Studying your favorite creator and applying their ways on how they are gaining their followers, likes, views and shares is one thing that can help you stop comparing yourself, because if you study it, instead of comparing, you find yourself more analytical, and you move forward.
2. Learn from people who inspires you
When you follow people in your niche, you feel jealous of their success. You might also feel frustrated about how they learned all this stuff. Stop learning from people who doesn't inspire you, and just make you feel jelous, focus on one person to learn from in each skill you want to learn from. It doesn’t matter which teacher you pick, as long as your style matches with theirs.
3. Focus on building your skill
When you finally able to know your skill, focus on building it so your direction will became clearer, it can help you put more ideas, and know what you really want to do. It is much easier to focus on the skill you want to build and build an audience around that.
4. Focus on creating value for your followers
The most common phrase you’ll hear in the creator world is, “you are in your own journey.” But then your mind goes like, “yeah, I know, but look how this X person is doing. How are they so good.” It doesn’t matter what your content is. What matters is the goal. If it is to help someone, you will be able to push your ego aside and hit that publish button.
What is Self-Doubt?

Self-doubt is a lack of confidence regarding yourself and your abilities. It’s a mindset that holds you back from succeeding and believing in yourself. What if I messed up? What will people say? Am I experienced and capable enough to do this? This are just some of the questions you are asking yourself if you're doubting that you can do it. We don't have to look too far to see that too little self-doubt can be outright dangerous. Yet left unchecked, the fear that fuels our doubt can drive us to be over cautious and keep us from taking the very actions that would help us and serve others.
Ways to Stop Doubting Yourself
1. Embrace Doubt As Part of Being Human
"Don’t beat yourself up for beating yourself up." Embracing self-doubt as an intrinsic part of the human experience is crucial to reclaiming the power it has held over you, you are human and human make mistakes. You can make mistakes, you can doubt your self but what matter is what you do next.
2. Doubt Your Doubts
Self doubts are just your fears made manifest in order to protect you from loss. It often makes you lose out on what you may have gained by fearing the attempt. Your doubts are not the truth. Rather they are fear-fuelled stories you create about who you are, what you’re worth and what you’re capable of achieving. If you are going to doubt anything about yourself to achieve what you want or change what you don't, doubt your doubts.
3. Make Your Goal Bigger Than Your Fear
You need to be able to find a clear and compelling answer to the question “For the sake of what am I willing to be brave?” Doing so will help crystallize why you must take action despite your doubts, knowing that if you let them win, you will run the bigger risk of one day looking back and wondering ‘What if I’d tried?’ Letting self-doubt sit in the driver’s seat is a sure-fire recipe for regret and resentment.
4. Build A Community of Believers
You shape your tribe and your tribe shapes you. When you surround yourself with people who bring out your best and embolden your thinking, you can do more, be more and give more than you ever could otherwise. The people you hang out with will either fuel your self-doubt or fuel your confidence. So if you’re ready to make a change or take a chance, make sure you surround yourself with people who will help you to stay in action despite your doubts.
Only when you dare to do the very thing you doubt you can do, will you realize how little you ever needed to doubt yourself to begin with. There are so many successful content creators out there. Sometimes, it’s hard to stay in your own lane. You can’t help but do a shoulder check. It’s good if you use it for motivation, but most of the time, it has a more negative effect on yourself.

3 Easy Steps to make your contents using
1. Click "Create New Series".
2. Connect your social media channel and choose one of many niches from the drop down, select your preferred voice and language then click on "create", wait for less than a minute and your video is ready!
3. Adjust the script or the title as needed and click on update, then post video and it will automatically be posted on your preferred social media platform.