Why Choose Fitness Content on Your YouTube Channel
You’ve decided to start a YouTube channel. Good for you! It’s time to take your fitness game to the next level. But with so many options, it can be hard to know where to begin. The good news is that YouTube has made it easier than ever before for people like us (you) to get started on our own channels and build an audience from scratch. YouTube is a powerful platform for sharing fitness content and building a community. In this article, we’ll walk you through the key steps and best practices for starting a fitness YouTube channel and why you can choose fitness contents on your channel and why not.

How to Start a Fitness YouTube Channel
1. Pick a Fitness Niche
Are you into yoga? Body-building? Aerobic exercises? Weight-loss exercises? You should pick a fitness niche that interests you. If you start a channel and have no interest in the topic, it will be difficult for you to continue creating content over time. These goals should align with how much effort goes into making new videos each week based on how many subscribers may follow along with what types of topics will keep them coming back time after time again.
2. Get The Right Equipment
Create a basic setup in your gym or home. All you need is decent lighting and a good background that’s free from distractions. You don’t have to have a thousand dollar video camera or dedicated studio space to make great YouTube videos. Most likely, the camera on your phone will work just fine for filming videos. Buy a tripod so that you can set your phone up and record on your own. If you do want to spend a little money on equipment, consider investing in a good mic.
3. Choose the Type of Videos You Want to Post
Now that you know who your content is for, it’s time to start generating content ideas targeted toward that segment. One big thing to think about is your ideal clients’ problems. What are their biggest challenges when it comes to fitness? What kinds of things are they looking for online? You can choose between tutorials, workouts, nutrition, habits, or mindset depending on what you love the most and what makes your audience happy.
4. Film and Edit Your Videos
Now that you have your equipment, it’s time to start filming. Test your webcam/camera and audio —if you’re using one—and ensure they’re working correctly. After that, import your video into a video editing tool.
5. Don’t Expect Results Overnight
It takes a lot of time creating videos, so it can be frustrating if you’re not seeing results right away. As with all marketing and content strategies, it’s important to be patient and consistent. When you’re first starting out, YouTube doesn’t know who your audience is. It won’t be recommending your videos to anyone right away. Even when it feels like you’re getting nowhere, stay with it!

Advantages of Choosing Fitness Contents
1. Visibility
Making fitness more accessible. One of the significant advantages of fitness contents is its ability to make fitness more accessible to a wider audience. Your audience can find inspiration from you, breaking down barriers to entry and providing opportunities for people to engage in fitness activities that suit their preferences, abilities, and schedules.
2. Health Benefit
Creating fitness contents is amazingly beneficial not just to you but for your audience' health as well.
3. You Get To Do Something You Truly Love
With starting a health and fitness Youtube channel, you get to put your energy into something you are truly passionate about! You'll find yourself devoting as much time and energy as possible into the your contents to make it successful.
4. You Get To Inspire Others
Your content is one that encourages and inspires others, which in itself can be very fulfilling.
5. No Overhead Costs
To get your health and fitness Youtube channel started, there are no costs associated with overhead, storage, packaging, etc. This will save you a lot of time and money!

Disadvantages of Choosing Fitness Contents
1. Body Shaming and Bad Comments
This is the most common disadvantages of creating a fitness contents, not all people will like how your body looks like and how you do things. People can hide behind their screens and pass judgment on others’ appearances, making hurtful comments or perpetuating negative body image. Body shaming not only damages individuals’ self-esteem but also perpetuates harmful societal standards, so you have to be ready on this kind of people and always choose to spread love and care for the people who loves you and what you are doing.

3 Easy Steps to make your contents using Shortspilot.ai
1. Click "Create New Series".
2. Connect your social media channel and choose one of many niches from the drop down, select your preferred voice and language then click on "create", wait for less than a minute and your video is ready!
3. Adjust the script or the title as needed and click on update, then post video and it will automatically be posted on your preferred social media platform.