7 Reasons Why Your TikTok Videos Are Not Going Viral
Imagine spending hours on a TikTok video but not getting any views. A large number of users are dealing with this problem and keep wondering why am I getting no views on TikTok. There are many reasons why your content is not getting attention on TikTok. So if you're wondering why your TikTok videos are not getting views, then this blog is for you.

7 Reasons Why Your TikTok Videos Are Not Going Viral
1. New Account
New account holders almost always face the problem of zero or minimal TikTok view. That’s because the TikTok app no longer promotes new creators like it used to! Anyone with a new TikTok account will have no views because they have not established their presence on the platform. With a little bit of patience and some creativity, you can overcome this issue. To increase your TikTok visibility start by engaging with other users’ content through likes, comments, and shares.
2. Shadow Ban
Shadow ban is a type of secret ban imposed by TikTok in which the account is muted without notifying the account holder. It usually happen if you’ve broken some of TikTok’s guidelines, even if it was by mistake. To avoid shadow bans adhere to TikTok’s Community Guidelines for every content. Also, remember to use only licensed music and operate one account per device.
3. Violating TikTok Community Guidelines
If your video goes against TikTok’s community guidelines, it won’t get pushed out to viewers. In this respect, many TikTokers make a huge mistake in that they end up not appealing after they violate a Community Guideline and are banned. Instead, they delete the banned video or make it private. However, you should not be doing this! If one of your videos gets banned due to Community Guidelines violations, you should appeal the ban. Only after the appeal is rejected should you consider deleting the banned video or making it private.
4. Use of VPN
Usually, TikTokers use VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) to target a new audience segment and expand their reach. Using a VPN on TikTok seems like a good idea for privacy or accessing region-restricted content. However, it can actually mess with your visibility as VPNs confuse TikTok’s algorithm by making it seem like you’re in a different location. Avoid switching VPNs too much on your TikTok profile. Since these VPNs come from third parties, it is possible that some of them are not safe. As a result, your videos will be more relevant to viewers which increases your chances of getting seen.
5. Low Video Quality
Low-quality videos are a major turn-off for viewers because no one likes watching grainy visuals. If your video has poor resolution, bad lighting, or muffled audio then people will just scroll past it without even giving it a chance. There are lots of budget lighting sources you can purchase or you can face a window in direct sunlight for natural light. Make sure you clean off your camera lens before hitting the record button to reduce any chance of haziness or smudges on your screen. Also, make sure we can hear you! Check the volume of your voice and tone and your music when editing videos.
6. Neglecting Engagement
If there is one thing viral videos have in common it’s lots of engagement. TikTok’s algorithm is designed so that if you fail to engage with your followers on TikTok, it sends signals that your content may not be as relevant or exciting. This leads to a potential decrease in views for your content. TikTok is a social platform, and engagement is at the heart of its success.
7. Incorrect Hashtag Usage
Hashtags are an important part of your social media SEO but using them incorrectly can do more harm than good. They are really powerful. They have the power to make or break your content. So always choose your hashtags wisely. Misuse or underuse of Hashtags and trends can lead to confusion among viewers, missing out on opportunities to connect with a broader audience, and the algorithm not associating your videos with relevant topics. All these lead to limited views of your content.

3 Easy Steps to make your contents using Shortspilot.ai
1. Click "Create New Series".
2. Connect your social media channel and choose one of many niches from the drop down, select your preferred voice and language then click on "create", wait for less than a minute and your video is ready!
3. Adjust the script or the title as needed and click on update, then post video and it will automatically be posted on your preferred social media platform.